Jonathan Cahn, Author of ‘The Harbinger II: The Return,’ Reveals Why 2020 Was the Year of Shaking  December 9, 2020

 Best-Selling Author Shares Why 2020 Was the Jubilean Year of Darkness

The term “jubilee” is “usually a good thing,” says Jonathan Cahn, who is known all over the globe as the author of one of this year’s most dramatic publishing successes, “The Harbinger II: The Return.”

But not in 2020, a year of tremendous “shakings” for America, he explains with foreboding.

In the waning weeks of one of the most difficult years ever for the country, Cahn has a vivid message for all—and it includes a reminder that the “blood of the innocent is what evokes judgment in the Bible.” In “The Harbinger II: The Return,” Cahn shares prophetic, biblical explanations about this coming “judgment.”

Cahn explains, “The Jubilee is usually a good thing, because it’s the year that everything that was stolen is returned to its original owner. But Jubilee for somebody who has taken someone else’s land is not a great thing because they lose it! Jubilee is not only restoration, but it’s also a year of restitution,” he adds. “The Jubilee comes every 50 years. When you count back, when did abortion on demand begin in America? It began in 1970. So, the mystery ordains 2020 as the Jubilean year of abortion.” 

Using Jeremiah 7:30-31, Cahn points out that the murdering of children was also a sin committed by ancient Israel—and it’s what led to that nation’s judgment. “The prophet Jeremiah stood over the Valley of Hinnom with a clay vessel in his hand and said to Israel, ‘You have murdered children—the blood of the children is here because of what you did, and the same death is going to come to you.’ Then he smashed the jar, a sign of coming destruction,” says Cahn. “The blood of the innocent is what invokes judgment in the Bible.”

He continues, “While Israel killed thousands of children in those days, today millions of babies have been killed through abortion. This generation that we’re in right now has turned away from God more dramatically than any generation in history. It’s the greatest falling away we’ve ever had.”

And yes—Cahn draws a line from the horrors of abortion to the heinous impacts of the coronavirus this year.

“The sin of abortion is the sin of the older against the younger,” says Cahn. “Notice this COVID-19 plague strikes the oldest and spares the youngest. According to the Jubilee, we took lives—now life is taken from us on the Jubilee of abortion.” Abortion, he shares with anguish, was first approved in 1970 in New York State.

In fact, the mystery is even more precise.  When analysis was made in the spring of 2020, to pinpoint the peak of the plague on New York State, two dates were identified—April 9 and April 10.  The New York legislature ushered in abortion on demand in two votes—on April 9 and April 10.  Thus it was 50 years to the exact days.

All of this is why, in a recent interview on “Voice of Truth,” Cahn revealed that he mentions a specific scripture in “The Harbinger II: The Return—and that the biblical words offer hope amid turmoil: “‘If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land,’” said Cahn, citing 2 Chronicles 7:14If we humble ourselves, pray and turn from our evil ways, God will forgive us and heal our land. He will!”

With the release of “The Harbinger II: The Return, on Sept. 1, 2020, thousands of new fans from all corners of the globe have embraced Jonathan Cahn’s messages and prophesies. The book, available for purchase online and everywhere, made the Amazon Bestsellers Top Ten lists of all books in the world and took three of the top ten spots on Amazon’s Christian Books for print, Kindle, and audio—each charting as a Top Ten Bestseller, including #1 Christian Prophecy and #1 Christian Prophecies. “The Harbinger II” also catapulted Cahn’s earlier books back onto bestseller lists, including “The Oracle,” “The Paradigm,” and “The Harbinger.”

Jonathan Cahn’s first book, “The Harbinger,” became an instant New York Times bestseller when it was published in 2012. His next four books were also New York Times bestsellers: “The Mystery of the Shemitah,” “The Book of Mysteries,” “The Paradigm,” and “The Oracle.” Along with Billy Graham and Keith Greene, Cahn was named one of the top 40 spiritual leaders of the past 40 years who has radically impacted the world.

Called the prophetic voice of this generation, Cahn has spoken on Capitol Hill, at the United Nations, and to millions around the world. Cahn is known for opening the deep mysteries of Scripture and bringing forth messages of prophetic import. He leads Hope of the World ministry, an international outreach of teaching, evangelism, and compassion projects for the world’s neediest. He also leads the Jerusalem Center/Beth Israel, a worship center made up of Jews and Gentiles, and people of all backgrounds, outside New York City in Wayne, New Jersey. His ministry can be contacted at and on Jonathan Cahn Facebook.

For more information about “The Harbinger II,” visit

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