By Andrew Wommack

I’m going to tell you something that might surprise you: You can’t receive God’s best by accident. God’s best is not like winning the lottery. Yes, the Word says that God’s blessing will overtake you (Deut. 28:2), but I guarantee that there needs to be something intentional on your part if it’s going to come to pass.

Many Christians are praying for God’s blessings but aren’t receiving them. Their cups aren’t overflowing, and their barns aren’t filled with plenty. When faced with their lack, they tend to blame God. But the truth is, God wants to bless you more than you want to be blessed. It’s not His fault you aren’t receiving His best; He’s already done His part. You need to do yours. God has given me a revelation that I know will help you receive what He has for you.

If I offered you five dollars or one hundred dollars, without a doubt, you’d pick the hundred. You’d probably say, “Cash, please.” But when God is the One offering, many Christians—whether knowingly or unknowingly—settle for less than God’s best. Why is that?

Here God is, wanting to bless people with health and abundance, yet the average Christian lives below His desire. He has blessed us exceedingly abundantly above all that we can ask or think, but it’s according to the power that works in us (Eph. 3:20). You might be thinking, I’m not doing so bad. I just need a miracle to pay this bill, or to get this healing, or to solve this problem. But guess what? A miracle is not God’s best for you! In order to go from miracle to miracle, you have to go from crisis to crisis. Because God loves you, He will give you a miracle so you can get through the crisis, but He has a better way.

You really need to prepare your heart to receive God’s best. It’s a process, and it starts with an attitude that says, “God, I don’t want to live like this anymore. I don’t want to see Your promises from far away. I know that You have more for me, and I want to receive and live in Your promises!”

You might be wondering, How do I change? There is a lot I can say about this, but I’m going to give you a few keys:

1) Change the way you think, and don’t settle for less than God’s best! You need to understand that receiving God’s best is not getting God to do something. Don’t sit there begging God to do what He’s already done. Instead, ask Him to help you understand what He has already given you.

2) You also need to understand the difference between a blessing and a miracle. A miracle supersedes natural law for a temporary period of time. To get a miracle, you need a crisis. Do you know Christians who receive miracle after miracle but struggle with lack all the time? That doesn’t have to be you.

3) Living in the blessing supersedes a miracle. The Bible talks a lot more about blessings than miracles. Paul even wrote about how believers go from glory to glory (2 Cor. 3:18). God doesn’t want you to live by miracles. He wants you to live in the blessing, so it’s important to understand what the blessing is. In a nutshell, it’s the favor of God spoken over you and learning to walk that out. And think about this: When the Lord declares His blessing over you, nothing can stop it!

A miracle is just enough to get you by. It will never be true abundance. In the beginning, when God created Adam and Eve, He blessed them (Gen. 1:22). This blessing empowered them to live like Him. It empowered them to prosper, to rule, to be productive, and to enjoy eternity with Him. The good news is, God wants the same for you!

If you’ve been going from miracle to miracle, you need to understand the principles of how to receive God’s best so you don’t have to struggle anymore. Satan doesn’t want you to get this revelation because he knows nothing will stop you if you do. And then, truly, the blessing will overtake you.

Even if you have heard me teach this before, I believe that God will give you a fresh revelation. It will really answer some questions and help you overcome obstacles that may have been hindering you for a long time.


You can learn more about this in my new book, Living in God’s Best. These truths have the potential to completely change your life! Order it at




The author of more than thirty books, Andrew Wommack has made it his mission to change the way the world sees God. Andrew’s vision is to go as far and deep with the Gospel as possible: through his Gospel Truth television and radio programs and through discipleship at his Charis Bible College campuses.


Picture of Andrew Wommack

Andrew Wommack

The author of more than thirty books, Andrew Wommack has made it his mission to change the way the world sees God. Andrew’s vision is to go as far and deep with the Gospel as possible: through his Gospel Truth television and radio programs and through discipleship at his Charis Bible College campuses.